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Umbrella Services


Kindergarten - 8th Grade Umbrella Program


We are proud to serve as an umbrella school for families who wish to homeschool full-time. River's Edge Christian Home Education Program (RECHEP) will maintain your child's cumulative school records, keep track of your grades, and submit attendance to the state of TN so that there is no chance of being marked truant. 


We have additional options available to aid your homeschool experience. Our Activities package allows your student to participate in daily PE (K-5th only) and enrichment classes/clubs. Our Weekly Assignments package (K-5th) gives you access to weekly assignments, created by our Academy teachers, so that you have lessons planned for the entire year. Though access to the teacher is unavailable, you are able to follow along, using the same curriculum that our Academy students use, but you can modify these assignments to fit your needs, adding supplemental material or ignoring whatever you choose.

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As an Umbrella Parent, you are required to

  • Plan and submit a Course of Study Form to the RECA office

  • Teach, test, and grade your child’s school work

  • Report grades and attendance to the Umbrella Coordinator at the end of each school year


Refund Policy: Application and Registration Fees are non-refundable upon the time of submission unless RECA denies acceptance to the family. If a family chooses to switch their student from an academy student to an umbrella student or vice versa, then an additional registration fee will be incurred by the parent. No previously paid amounts may be transferred or credited towards these fees.


Cost breakdown for River’s Edge Christian Home Education Program Service Fees:
Registration Fee – $75


*Testing – $55 fee ($75 Jan 15th-March 15th for the current school year) Testing is strongly recommended for grades 2-10, but does not have to be taken at River’s Edge. 

**Adding the Activities and/or Weekly Assignments are optional and will be a separate purchase that can be completed at any time of the year. Everyone initially signs up for the basic program option, and then you can add these other options when you are ready! Enrichment classes are optional.


You can find the full policy manual here:


River's Edge Christian Home Education Program Policy Manual


If you have any questions about RECHEP, please contact our Umbrella & Testing Coordinator at

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