Umbrella Services

9th-12th Grades High School Umbrella Program
We are proud to serve as an umbrella school for families who wish to homeschool full-time. River's Edge Christian Home Education Program (RECHEP) will maintain your child's cumulative school records, keep track of your grades, and submit attendance to the state of TN so that there is no chance of being marked truant. We can also help you formulate a plan to keep students on track for graduation, as well as sign off on official forms needed for driver's licenses, transcripts, and more.
RECHEP high school students have the opportunity to participate in graduation, testing (9th grade only), and academic advising. Please refer to the chart below for specifics.

As an Umbrella Parent, you are required to
Plan and submit a Course of Study Form to the RECA office
Teach, test, and grade your child’s school work
Report grades and attendance to the Umbrella Coordinator at the end of each school year
Refund Policy: Application and Registration Fees are non-refundable upon the time of submission unless RECA denies acceptance to the family. If a family chooses to switch their student from an academy student to an umbrella student or vice versa, then an additional registration fee will be incurred by the parent. No previously paid amounts may be transferred or credited towards these fees.
*Includes high school course planning based on college or career path the student is choosing. Additional academic support is available for $25 per 30 minutes, as needed. One meeting is required (in person, or virtual) after enrollment to verify high school courses for a successful outcome.
**$55 fee ($75 after November 20th) for the current school year. Testing is required for 9th and 10th grade but does not have to be taken at River’s Edge.
***Ceremony and Reception will be offered if there is a sufficient number of students to make it affordable. Cap and gown will be ordered separately by the family.
You can find the full policy manual here:
River's Edge Christian Home Education Program Policy Manual
If you have any questions about RECHEP, please contact our Umbrella & Testing Coordinator